Congratulations! You’ve made the business case, run the gauntlet of internal debates, and finally have the approval to deploy an AMI solution for your gas utility. It feels like you’ve just crossed the finish line.

But, then you look up and see an even longer path ahead of you – one that stretches further than you can see right now. It’s the course of your AMI deployment – one that you’ll have to map out as you go. So, what are the first steps?

To help answer this questions, we talked with utilities and consultants who have led successful gas AMI deployments. We also consulted Sensus’ Managed Services team, which guides our customers through gas AMI deployments.

We asked the experts two questions about their deployments:

  • What steps were the most critical to your success?
  • What do you wish you’d done differently and why?

All of them recommended the following steps to increase your chances of an effective AMI rollout:

1. Assemble a cross-functional planning team

2. Determine where to augment vs. replace meters

3. Choose the right communication network

4. Engage IT in planning how and when to integrate other systems

We’ve combined the details on each of these steps, as well as provided AMI project management tips and key questions in our Playbook for a Successful Gas AMI Implementation. Click here to download the book.